I woke up today in a panic about what to do. I've been tottering around the house surveying the work that I have left to do before I go to New York on Friday.
There really isn't much left. I'm realizing that this project is best done in "rounds" -- meaning there must be many breaks and time to recover. It's also caused me to stop trying to make goals. Everyone of my goals ends up altered so I figure it's best to go in with no expectation. I promised I would give myself as much time as I need to get through it and goals just seem limiting right now.
Tyler has been a huge help. He has an uncanny ability to be there when it is important. That's a good quality to have.
I'm about to go have lunch with my grandpa. I definitely need to eat right now. I am going to do inventory this afternoon along with sorting out the donation items and organizing the rest of it.
I found the box above a few days ago. I loved what was inside of it. Pure childhood.